Directors Hub Brighton

Peer to Peer Learning

Unluck Your Business Potential

We set Focus topics on different industries each month, discussing trends and insights. So that you can access support and advice the Directors’ Hub community.

Peer to Peer Growth Club for Founders

Imagine the scene; an intimate, informal gathering of business entrepreneurs coming together to offer support. The hub has over 45 Directors, Founders & CEO’s.

Support and Collaboration

The Director’s Hub is designed for business leaders who want to grow and develop their organisation for future success. Watch the new Podcast or read the latest news.

Power up your Business

Trust is crucial for open communication and collaboration. Ensuring all members feel safe to share their thoughts and experiences at hub meetings.

The Directors’ Hub: Peer to Peer Events

Do you need help in your business, reach out to join our peer group.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

“Lead with insight—join a community where leaders mentor leaders.”


Hub Members


Positive feedback


Registered Events


Corporate Sponsor

The benefits of hub membership include:

Peer to Peer Meetings

Monthly peer-to-peer meetings all face to face which take place across Sussex. And, soon in Surrey and Hampshire.

WhatsApp Group Support

Access to the main Directors’ Hub WhatsApp group, and hub groups across Sussex, Surrey & Hampshire.

Hubbub Podcasts

The Directors’ Hub has its own podcast called Hubbub: A chaotic din caused by a crowd of people. Perfect for us!

Safe Meeting Environment

Every hub meeting runs a ‘Chatham House’ Rules Policy, so what’s said around the table, stays around the table.



Quarterly Mystery Events

We also meet every quarter for a fun event, be it ginger bread house making, escape rooms or netwalking.

Christmas Lunch Event

Join us as we all meet up across the hubs for a special lunch in Brighton as we laugh and toast to the end of the year.


Sonny Cutting

Sonny Cutting

1st Member

Network Xpress
(Founding Member)

Pippa Birtchall

Pippa Birchall

2nd Member

Global OHS
(Founding Member)

Paul Dallibar

Paul Dallibar

3rd Member

Gordian Solutions
(Founding Member)

Jayna Shah

Jayna Shah

4th Member

JPS Weath Management
(Founding Member)

Listen to our latest podcast series

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker